Friday, February 5, 2010

Does Loss of Energy Cause You To Gain Weight?

You're a man, you gain weight and you wonder why. Then, you feel like you're tired, all the time. You get pissed because you just don't know who pulled the plug on the energy pool. When you were just a dude or even a kid, you got used to having more energy than you knew what to do with. Male weight loss is no picnic, but you can get it under control.

So the question is, does lack of energy cause you to gain weight? The answer could be yes. Here are some possible causes. Listen to these and see if they apply to you. If so, try making a change and see if you get results. Gaining energy and weight loss is trial and error. Do not wait for a little flying fairy with a magic wand to make changes. You know your body better than anyone.

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Getting enough sleep? It is suggested that you get 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night. I have noticed that as I get older (I am 53 years old), I need slightly more sleep. When I was younger (30's and 40's) I would go to sleep at 11:30 pm and get up at 5am (5-1/2 hours of sleep) and then do my morning workout (4 mile run and 30 minutes of weights). I am certain that I was not getting the sleep I needed. But as I got older I had to change that routine. I am still doing the same exercise routine, but I was getting cranky and was feeling very down often. I started sleeping more (7 to 8 hours) and feeling more energetic now. Try getting more sleep. If you are up later, you are also probably eating more too, right?

  2. Lot of stress in your life? Stress is the word that is used to describe a condition of elevated heart rate, continuous butterflies in the stomach or general disorientation. Although we think we should be able to handle this situation, because we are men after all. But it is not natural to be frantic, all the time. What often happens, is that you eat more often and you eat the wrong kind of food (starchy stuff, as an example). So, how to reduce the stress. Exercise is a great way to get rid of agitation and anxiety. Walk, push a few weights around or hit the heavy bag. It will also help you get better sleep too.

  3. Are you a spectator or participant? This sounds like a strange question. But the answer to this question heavily determines whether you have your energy level dialed up in general. Do you watch TV sports more often than throwing the ball around with your kids or the guys? Do you watch Dancing With The Stars on the couch with your woman, rather than going dancing? Do you walk to store rather than firing up a ton of metal to drive there? Take a flight of stairs rather than using the elevator.

The simple suggestions here can really dial up your own energy. These things will get you in control of your weight and make you feel so much better. Weight loss is no more difficult that any other problem that you have already tackled. Thanks and my best wishes.

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